Global Carbon Holding - Market


The Carbon Credit market is very active right now as evidenced by a trading volume of 144 Billion euros traded last year as reported by Reuters news service. The price trend has gone on a sharp upward line since 2018. The number of those selling product offsets to individual and corporate customers is at an all-time high as evidenced by any google search on the subject.

GCH essentially falls into the category of product supplier to the market for Carbon Credits. While the biggest areas of volume sales are currently airport carbon neutral compliance efforts by individual airport management companies, the largest Carbon Credit customers are in the energy, manufacturing, and transportation sectors. The fastest growing segment with is online sales to environmentally conscious travelers.

Market Strategy

GCH is the trusted source of Carbon Credits in the market by being the first to tokenize Carbon Credits and use blockchain technology to guarantee the integrity of transactions and transport the certifications with the sales. By positioning ourselves as a trusted source to customers and accreditation authorities we guarantee the safety of investments and transactions on all token exchange platforms. The use of tokens and smart contracts is the key differentiator in making GCH a trusted source. There is no possibility of false bank transfers or financial statements. The transparency that is the entire trust of the blockchain environment is the guarantor of the credibility of our company.

Another very important aspect of the GCH position in the market, is one of strategic partnerships. We have important sustainability relationships with manufacturers, retailers, travel businesses, airlines, and consumers that emphasize an environmental consciousness to their businesses.

© 2025 Global Carbon Holding Ltd., SAR Hong Kong